Fifi & Lola Alvianto
2011 - 2012

All rights reserved

More info contact :

fromfifi [at] gmail [dot] com
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Stuffs

"Visiting daddy's office at Cyber Tower 2", 2012
(Lola 9 months)

It's just me or most urban moms likes to pay attention to other people's stroller at mall?
Haha I guess I have a big crush on stroller, well I know it's just a baby ride but I found a joy by only mesmerizing stroller. Anyway I'd like to share some of my experience due to baby gears.

Here are my priority list for baby gears (MUST HAVE):
1. Carseat (newborn to toddler) - Britax
2. Stroller - Quinny Zapp Xtra
3. Baby Bather (not Baby Bath Tub) - Carters
4. Sterillizer (with big space) - Tommee Tippie
5. Breast Pump - Medela Swing
6. Big Diapers Bag (with lots of pocket) - Elle fuschia

And here the not so important baby stuff:
1. Baby Carrier - I'd prefer using stroller
2. Warmer - I'm a full time mom so I rarely used it
3. Playmat - Lola likes to play everywhere
4. Baby Gym
5. Hat Blanket
6. Travelling Bed

Most baby stuffs is not cheap & such a waste because of the short period of use. So don't buy all of them until your baby is born. Since it was my first time having a baby, I bought tons of stuffs that turned out to be useless. Including toys!! Baby gift is something that I recommend. Just wait until you open all of them. And then buy the stuff that you think you'll need it.

About toys? Yeahhh don't buy anything that cost a lot of zeros. Baby is a moody person. She'll throw and hate it as quick as she wants. Now I'd prefer giving her any kind of stuffs at home as long as not sharp and small. Baby toys might better because of the safe material but expensive. As your baby getting older, she'll be interest on something new everyday and dislike the same toys to be play over and over again.

About fashion? White is a big no no. Baby = messy. My fave is bold colors. Stains stays but the color looks faded. Jumpsuit (covered leg) has the shortest period for baby clothes. Dress is the longest. You can wear it from newborn until 1 year. And shoes? Yeaaahh I've lots of them but rarely being used. And suddenly my baby's feet is already longer. So shoes is not that necessary.

And also my baby likes to chew her shoes, open it and throw. I guess before she can walk, shoes is just an accessories. If you're having a baby girl, these days legging and bandana are the most fave items. Yess you should have tons of them hahaha.

Okayy I guess that's it. Lets go to bed tweeps. Nitey nite and have a wonderful dream.

*This post was published from my twitter on 26th May.

Breastfeeding Style

Our 2nd line launching event, "Smart & Stylish Breastfeeding Mama".
For info & registration click [HERE]

"To all gorgeous mama, come to our event", 2012

Casa Elana - clothing brand saya, sekarang mengeluarkan koleksi khusus ibu menyusui yang memudahkan kita untuk lebih praktis dan tampil lebih stylish meski sedang menyusui. Berawal dari keribetan saya punya anak pertama, yang mana selalu bingung setiap mau pake baju kalau keluar rumah, akhirnya membuahkan hasil koleksi baju menyusui yang praktis.

Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang koleksi Casa Elana dan menambah ilmu tentang breastfeeding? Yess you should come to this event. Cara daftarnya [disini] Biaya sudah termasuk makan siang di The Only One Club fX Sudirman lantai 5, plus goodie bag dan 20 pendatang pertama bisa ngedapetin baju gratis dari Casa Elana. So I'll see you there mama.

Design Graphic & Digital Imaging : Fifi Alvianto
Photographer : Bona Soetirto
Make Up Artist : Chika Haryani
Model : Monica Aziz and her kids.
Monday, May 21, 2012


"Aaaaa, aaaaaa....", 2012

Bayi itu suka sekali berteriak ya? Baby Lola demen banget, apalagi kalau ke tempat ramai, seperti mall. Udah kayak lapangan bola, dia asyik teriak sana-sini. Lucu liatnya, tapi suka malu kalau sampai orang nengok hahaha.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Swimming Lesson

"Yeaay mama, I can do it", 2012

Sejak usia 6 bulan, saya mencoba mengajari Lola berenang, sebelumnya di usia 3 bulan berenang di baby spa. Awalnya di kolam plastik tapi berhubung terlalu kecil spacenya jadilah saya mengajari dia langsung di kolam besar di usia 8 bulan. "Lho memang higienis ya?", karena kolam renang di rumah, jadi setiap 2x seminggu selalu dibersihkan. "Lalu airnya dingin dong?", iya airnya dingin, dan sulit memang untuk pertama kali Lola berenang, yang ada nangis, tapi lama-lama terbiasa. "Berapa menit, berapa kali?", 15-20 menit setiap seminggu sekali dan 5 menit bila memang dia lagi pengen main air, yang ini bisa tiap hari.

Nah emang apa keuntungannya mengajarkan bayi berenang?
(dikutip dari
Researchers have documented that the stimulating effect of child-paced infant/toddler swimming lessons has the potential to increase intelligence, concentration, alertness, and perceptual abilities. Improvement in social, emotional and physical development has also been published.
Many students can swim before they can walk. As, their swimming progresses you will witness improved coordination, strength, endurance and lung capacity. Early swimming fosters a growing sense of self-esteem, confidence and independence. As a child’s ability to freely move through the water increases so does their sense of well-being.

Buat yang berminat, boleh coba ajarkan bayinya berenang sedini mungkin, dan ingat harus selalu diawasi, kita tidak boleh jauh dari bayi dan berada di dalam air juga. Bagi saya mengajarkan berenang beberapa kali sudah terlihat hasilnya, Lola sekarang termasuk bayi yang motoriknya lebih cepat dibanding bayi lain seumur dia (menurut versi orang-orang yang ketemu Lola). Sudah bisa berdiri dari 7 bulan, dan bangun dari duduk ke berdiri di usia 8 bulan. Tangan dan kakinya juga sangat aktif, dan bahkan kelewat aktif, alias teu daek cicing hahaha.