Ekspresi Pagi

(Lola 10 weeks)
Sempat terpikir kenapa Lola jadi sering mengeluarkan air liur akhir-akhir ini, tapi ternyata hasil browsing dari babycenter.com, usia 10 minggu air liur bayi sedang banyak-banyaknya. Berikut kutipannya :
"Your baby's salivary glands have been working since she was in utero, but you may notice that she's started to drool. She's also putting everything in her mouth and producing more saliva than she can swallow.
This doesn't mean that your baby's teething just yet, though — that probably won't happen for another two weeks, at least. The vast majority of babies sprout their first tooth between 4 and 7 months of age. If your baby's an early developer, you may see her first white cap, usually one of the bottom two middle teeth, as early as 3 months. (And in rare cases, a baby's first tooth is visible at birth!).
The good news is that your baby's drool coats toys and other objects with disease-preventing proteins. That's fortunate — since she'll continue to explore anything she can get her hands on".
Lega rasanya begitu mengetahui ini adalah hal normal, tinggal lebih rajin saja memakaikan bib agar bajunya tidak kebanjiran.
"Your baby's salivary glands have been working since she was in utero, but you may notice that she's started to drool. She's also putting everything in her mouth and producing more saliva than she can swallow.
This doesn't mean that your baby's teething just yet, though — that probably won't happen for another two weeks, at least. The vast majority of babies sprout their first tooth between 4 and 7 months of age. If your baby's an early developer, you may see her first white cap, usually one of the bottom two middle teeth, as early as 3 months. (And in rare cases, a baby's first tooth is visible at birth!).
The good news is that your baby's drool coats toys and other objects with disease-preventing proteins. That's fortunate — since she'll continue to explore anything she can get her hands on".
Lega rasanya begitu mengetahui ini adalah hal normal, tinggal lebih rajin saja memakaikan bib agar bajunya tidak kebanjiran.
Ya ampuuuunn... Neng Lola, lucu banget sih kamuuu :*
ReplyDeleteYa ampuuun.. Neng Lola, lucu banget sih kamuuu :*
ReplyDeletelucuuu iiihh bikin gemes ^_^
ReplyDeletebaby Lolaaa....kuchikuchikuchi
lola cantik bangeeet :)
ReplyDeletehihi, mata belo nya lucuuu banget :)
ReplyDeletesenyumnya bby lola cute bgt ya ^^
ReplyDeleteihiy,, baca postingan mbak jadi tahu proses2 anak bayi :D
ReplyDeleteand your hair fifi...
ReplyDeleteit will fall off like there's no tomorrow.
pengalaman gue 2 anak, dua2nya mulai ngences dan rambutku rontokkk
hope it doesn't happen to you, sehat2 ya baby lola
Thank you girls :)
ReplyDelete@Risti really, bakalan rontok? aku malah senenggggg.. Karena rambutku aslinya kribow kayak singa -____- tebel banget sampe udah males nyisir hahaha.
Foto yang kedua lagi senyum maniis banget...udah pinter berpose deh neng Lola :)
ReplyDeletebtw nyamber Risti...it's true soal rambut rontok. Mitosnya kan klo bayi mulai ngences ibunya bakal rontok. Gw ngga terlalu percaya sama mitos-mitosan, jadi mungkin penjelasan yang masuk akal adalah 3-4 bulan setelah melahirkan, hormon sang ibu lagi proses berubah lagi ke masa sebelum hamil yang menyebabkan rambut rontok?